Radha-Madhu serial's director saw her in movies and offered her the lead role in the serial. After that she acted in Stalin and Chukkallo Chandrudu movies as a child artist during which time she was studying in 10th standard. She got her first big break through Mahesh Babu starrer, Athadu in 2005. Although she does not belong from a acting background she had keen interest in acting, so she got into acting from a very young age. She started her acting career in the year of 2005 through film. By airing a 23-minutes 25seconds long live telecast in a single shot, the soap opera has earned a place in the Guinness World Records. This was done to commemorate the Soap opera's 1000th Episode on 5 March 2014. This serial on 5 March 2014 achieved the feat of being the First Indian soap opera and Tamil television soap opera to be aired live. This serial is family-oriented like Metti Oli.
Directed and producer by Thirumurugan, He received high praising for his debut serial Metti Oli. Mouli, Thirumurugan, Poovilangu Mohan, Srithika and Jeyanthi Narayanan. NATHASWARAM TAMIL SERIAL EPISODE 401 Nadhaswaram (Tamil: நாதஸ்வரம்) is an Tamil soap opera that aired on Sun TV.It had been receiving the highest ratings of Tamil serials and received high praising from viewers. Madhubala Polimer tv Serial 20-10-14 Episode 400 Tamil TV Shows and Serials Online Tamil TV Shows and Serials Online madhubala,polimer tv serials, Madhubala Polimer TV Get news, articles, pictures, videos, photos and more of madhubala completes 400 episodes on.
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