Synopsis: While the Task Force investigates a series of suspicious police shootings, Agent Ressler is distracted by increasing external pressures. Meanwhile, Dembe chases a lead and Tom seeks outside help in identifying the remains in the suitcase. Synopsis: Liz and the Task Force join Red on an international adventure in pursuit of a billionaire who moonlights as a high end art thief. As Liz faces the new reality of working alongside her father, Ressler finds himself in a precarious position and Tom weighs his options. Synopsis: With his criminal empire in ruins, a surprisingly carefree Red enlists Liz in an unlikely plan to simultaneously earn cash and deliver a new Blacklister to the Task Force. Liz joins the fray in a battle royale with Garvey and Reddington over possession of the bones, leading to long-awaited family reckonings and a bizarre revelation that will challenge everything she believes about why Reddington really came into her life. As Liz finds family ties in unexpected places, she becomes entangled in her husband’s search for the identity of the human bones, leading to tragedy, and a quest of her own.
Marshal and international drug cartel enforcer who is bent on unearthing Reddington’s most carefully guarded secret. Meanwhile, Tom Keen has inherited a suitcase whose contents who are so dangerous they invite the attention of a formidable new adversary, Ian Garvey, a corrupt U.S. Had Liz decided to take Agnes with her to the cabin, it would have provided more complications than necessary.With his criminal empire on the brink and verge of decimation, Raymond Reddington turns to Elizabeth Keen in a quest to both rebuild his syndicate and continue to provide value to the FBI to keep the Task Force alive. Kids are much more resilient than we give them credit, and I'll take a wild leap that Agnes will be fine, for the most part.īesides, Liz has some serious business to take care of now, and it's better Agnes is somewhere safe.
While I don't necessarily agree with Liz's decision, she made the right choice for herself and what she thought was best for her and Agnes. Megan Boone did a phenomenal job portraying all of Liz's genuine emotions during the flashbacks. Having to care for a child while trying to care for yourself after a tragic death is not an easy task. It wouldn't have been impossible for me to do, but I remember how raw the pain was at the time, the feeling that I couldn't go on. I tried to imagine what it would have been like had I handed off my five-year-old son to my mother-in-law after my husband died unexpectedly (and not nearly as horrific as Tom did), and I just couldn't imagine it. It's true that Agnes was without either of her parents for a nearly a year, but having mom come back to life and then disappear again had to be difficult. One thing that I don't quite understand is how Liz could leave her daughter during all of that. I would have been okay with her telling them she was going to rip them all limb from limb just because they killed her dog. Whatever the reason, it was annoying that she felt the need to justify herself. Maybe telling them was to up the ante so they would get down and dirty and offer her more of a challenge. It would have been a lot more fun if they thought a random woman living alone in the woods was responsible for their demise. We know her background, so why did the mob guys need to know? She would've kicked their butts with or without them having that knowledge.