What should a negative blood type eat
What should a negative blood type eat

what should a negative blood type eat

It’s also advised that you steer clear of buckwheat and peanuts if you fall under this type.ĮAT : vegetables, fish, and turkey, seafood, tofu, beans, and legumes. Dairy products and kidney beans should also not be eaten.ĮAT : red meat, turkey, fish, fruits and green veg and most grains can be eaten with a few exceptions below.ĪVOID : corn, lentils, and seeds of any sort. Most vegetables but you should include plant protein from sources like soy and nuts.ĪVOID : limit meat consumption as there are fewer meat digesting enzymes. Fruits such as apples, nectarines, berries, avocados, and figs. You may also have digestive issues with dairy and egg products.ĮAT : vegetables and grains, whole grain sources of bread and pasta (avoiding simple grains). Some vegetables that are acceptable for this type are kelp, spinach, kale and broccoli.ĪVOID : wheat and grains, legumes (peas, beans, peanuts, and lentils).

what should a negative blood type eat what should a negative blood type eat

It is easy to find out your blood type – ask your physician if you do not already know which one you are.ĮAT : protein sources like red meat, seafood, and poultry like chicken and turkey. Their suggested diet will be between the A and B blood groups. TYPE AB – termed ‘the enigma’ this is the most recently evolved blood group, possibly as new as just 1000 years old. TYPE B – possibly dating back 10,000 years, people within this blood group have developed a more versatile digestive system and tolerate dairy particularly well and are known as ‘the nomads’.Ĥ. This group is therefore known as ‘the agrarians’.ģ. TYPE A – this group needs to focus more on vegetation and could have adapted at the time when agriculture was first developed around 20,000 years ago. He calls this group ‘the hunters’ and they require more protein than the other blood types.Ģ. TYPE O – D’Adamo says this is probably the oldest blood type and can be dated back more than 30,000 years. Of course D’Adamo goes into great depth in his book regarding the theory behind his claims but the diet basically specifies which foods should be eaten by which blood types and in which proportions.ġ. If certain lectins interact with certain blood type related antigens it could have harmful effects on your health. He says the basis is that lectins (which are carbohydrate-binding proteins) cause different interactions for each different blood type. Following a blood type diet is one way to prevent or decrease the toxic overload in your body, since the foods you are now eating match your profile rather than going against it.D’Adamo’s theory is that every one of us responds differently to certain food types and that is related to our blood type.

what should a negative blood type eat

This can lead to even more tiredness, as well as hypersensitivity and paradoxical reactions. It also compromises your immune system, kidney function, lymphatic system, and mitochondrial ATP production. This has a direct effect on your metabolism response, since its byproducts are not eliminated properly or in a timely manner. Your liver and extracellular matrix are clogged up from an accumulation of toxins, including those that come from eating the wrong kind of foods. If your NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response is facing some dysregulation, perhaps due to adrenal fatigue, your detoxification response may be slowed. Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial (food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison). Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile. Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. But at least five percent of the lectins you eat are filtered into the bloodstream and different reactions in different organs. Ninety-five percent of the lectins you absorb from your typical diets are sloughed off by the body. For the most part your immune systems protect you from lectins. The architecture of the blood type diet is to target these specific factors.įortunately, most lectins found in the diet are not quite so life threatening, although they can cause a variety of other problems, especially if they are specific to a particular blood type. When eating foods containing protein lectins that conflict with your blood type, the lectins will target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. This reaction is caused by Lectins which are diverse proteins found in foods and they have agglutinating properties that have an affect on your blood. Peter DÁdamo, suggests that there is a chemical reaction that occurs between your blood and the foods you eat.

What should a negative blood type eat